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Part 3: Presentation


The students will work in collaborative groups to create and present a presentation for their classmates.



- Internet accessible devices for each student

- Internet accessible device connected to a projector for students to make their presentation for the class

- Student and teacher accounts on Google Slides, Powtoon, and/or Prezi (depending on the platform students choose to make their presentation)

- Copy of "Rocks and Minerals Presentation" worksheet for students

- Copy of "Rock and Minerals Presentation Rubric" worksheet for students and for the teacher to use for grading



- Part 3 should take approximately 150 - 180 minutes (about 4 days).




1. The teacher should group the students into groups of 4 to work together to create a presentation about their learning on rocks and minerals. When forming the groups, use the information from the students' answers to the "Rocks and Minerals Research" in part 2. Group students who have different tests and rock examples from other groups. This will allow the presentations to have different information from each other.


2. Students can choose to create their presentation either on Google Slides, Powtoon, or Prezi (provided there is already prior knowledge on how to use the platform).


3. The information that should be included in the presentation is listed in the "Rocks and Minerals Presentation" worksheet. This should be provided to the students. While the students are creating their presentations, the teacher should be circulating between the groups making sure all group members are contributing equally. The teacher should also assist with technology as needed.


4. Once the students finish creating their presentations, each group should present to the class. When presenting, each student in the group should share the speaking roles. If there are students who are reluctant to speak in front of the class, the teacher can offer the option for the group to record their audio for the presentation using Screencastify via a Chrome browser.



- Using the "Rock and Minerals Presentation Rubric" students will be assessed on their presentation content and speaking abilities based on a 55 point rubric.

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